Youth 20 India Summit 2023International Conference on Climate Change and Disaster risk Reduction.

Under the aegis of India’s concurrent G20 Presidency, Aarya was invited as the youngest Plenary Speaker at Y20 India Summit 2023 on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction hosted by the MS University Baroda. 600 young delegates from 62 countries participated in Y20 Summit, supported by Ministry of Youth Affairs; Government of India. The key objective of the summit was to act as an official consultation forum for youth from G20 member countries


Giving Economy Awards 2023

In alignment with United Nations Sustainable Goals, Aarya was the youngest change maker to receive prestigious “Giving Economy Awards” on 15th Jan 2023 at SP Jain Institute of Management & Research SPJIMR, Mumbai. Leading national and international organizations like ‘Habitat for Humanity’, ‘Smile Foundation’, ‘Reach to Teach’, ‘Make a wish India’ were some of the prominent awardees.

Meeting Consul General of India, Milan

An hour long meeting and interacting with Consul General of India T. Ajungla Jamir at Consulate General of India in Milan, Italy was truly inspiring for Aarya. They had multi-faceted conversations on how the youth can contribute by strengthening action base awareness plan on #Sustainable Development Goals to combat #Climate Change. Books by Aarya are now a part of CGI, Milan library.

Meeting the Hon’ble Vice President of India

It was a momentous event to meet and interact with the Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri  Jagdeep Dhankhar  at his residence at Upa- Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. Aarya presented her books to Hon’ble Sir and was felicitated by him for her exemplary work at this young age. Books presented by Aarya were ‘Seeds of Hope’ and ‘Seeds to Sow’ which are based on tackling the climate crises through awareness and action. ‘Rising Above’ and ‘Rising Beyond’ emphasis on girl child education and children’s rights and duties, where also presented to the Hon’ble Vice President. As a core team member, Aarya represented Eco Army – a Pan-India movement supported by Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi for #climate action #environment #sustainability.

UNESCO World Headquarters Paris 2022

It was an absolute honor and a privilege for Aarya to be invited again at UNESCO World Headquarters Paris. Aarya presented her 8th book ‘Magnificent Marvels’ to Assistant Director General, Culture, UNESCO Mr. Ernesto Ottone Ramirez and discussed upon her upcoming sequel ‘Intangible Legacies’ along with few illustrations from her book which depicts the beauty of diverse intangible cultural heritage of India. Her book ‘Magnificent Marvels’ emphasizes on 40 tangible heritage sites of India inscribed by UNESCO. This book is published by UNESCO in Unesco Digital Library.

Book link of digital library:

Video link of Unesco Paris 2022:

Meeting the Hon’ble Lok Sabha Speaker, Shri Om Birla at the Parliament House, New Delhi

Momentous event to meet and interact with Hon’ble Lok Sabha Speaker, Shri Om Birla in his office at the Parliament House, New Delhi .Second time in 2022, it was truly inspiring to meet and interact with Hon’ble Sir, who emphasized on decisive action on spreading awareness among children and their contribution in tackling climate crises . As a core team member, Aarya represented Eco Army – a Pan-India movement, supported by Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi for #climate action #environment #sustainability

Indian Embassy, Paris 2022

Write-up-   In June 2022, Aarya was invited to meet and present her work to H.E Mr Javed Ashraf, Ambassador of India to France and Monaco, at the Indian Embassy, Paris.It was a great honor for  Aarya to present her book ‘Magnificent Marvels’ and read excerpts from her book to the ambassador. Magnificent Marvels emphasizes on the rich and diverse tangible heritage of India. Written and illustrated by Aarya ,this book has been patronaged and published by UNESCO in Unesco in Unesco

Digital Library:

Reading‘Magnificent Marvels’ for the Ambassador:

India at UNESCO (Permanent Delegation of India to UNESCO, Paris)

Greatly honored to meet and interact with H. E. Mr. Vishal Sharma, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate to the Permanent Delegation of India to UNESCO, at his Paris office. Presented my book ‘Magnificent Marvels’ which depicts the rich repository of tangible monumental heritage of India inscribed by UNESCO. Discussed upon sequel to the previous and my upcoming book ‘Intangible Legacies’ which emphasizes on the intangible cultural assets of India. It was truly inspiring to receive Holy ‘Bhagwat Gita’, from Sir, to enhance my understanding to uphold the Dharma through selfless action.

Meeting the Hon’ble Union MOS ,Environment &Climate Change, Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi

Momentous event to meet and interact with Hon’ble Union MOS, Environment & Climate Change, Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey at his office at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delh. Had enriching discussions on spreading awareness among children and their contribution in tackling climate crises on grass root level. As a core team member, Aarya represented Eco Army – a Pan-India movement, supported by Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi for #climate action #environment #sustainability.

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‘Sustainability is the key to a better future.’
My mission is to collaborate with as many schools, institutions, & organizations, to connect with children of my generation, so that we youth, can seize the boundaries of our nations, put aside our differences & come together first, as humans & then as the future of this planet

Copyright by Aarya Chavda 2025. All rights reserved.