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Cultural heritage refers to the cultural sites, monuments, folklore, traditional activities, practices, languages and customs that are vital to preserve for the future generation. The diversity of the Indian culture is evident to the whole world as India has one of the largest collections of songs, music, dance, theatre, folk traditions, performing arts, rites and rituals, languages, dialects, paintings and writing, that are known, as the, ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’. Although our tangible heritage reflects outstanding historical importance, it is our intangible assets that encompasses our living and breathing cultural heritage, which is the beating heart of all our legacies.

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‘Sustainability is the key to a better future.’
My mission is to collaborate with as many schools, institutions, & organizations, to connect with children of my generation, so that we youth, can seize the boundaries of our nations, put aside our differences & come together first, as humans & then as the future of this planet

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