Guest Speaker at the Italian Youth Association

The Italian Youth Association, which is the largest youth association in the world among the association and club for UNESCO organized an event in February 2024 at Bergamo, Italy. Under the theme of “regeneration”, the value of sustainability, in regenerative processes and in actions useful for achieving the objectives of the 2030 agenda, Aarya was invited as the youngest speaker to deliver her online talk and share her experience as a heritage crusader to motivate the youth. Until now the association has involved around 9000 students in their workshops, on heritage and sustainability.

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‘Sustainability is the key to a better future.’
My mission is to collaborate with as many schools, institutions, & organizations, to connect with children of my generation, so that we youth, can seize the boundaries of our nations, put aside our differences & come together first, as humans & then as the future of this planet

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